Friday, May 31, 2024

Back at it with traditional painting a series of animals

The funny bunny that jump started it all-
11x14" acrylic on panel

A magpie from Norway-16x20" acrylic on canvas

The local snowy owl at Standing Bear-12x12" acrylic on panel

A funny fox you never see-14x18" acrylic on canvas

Can I have a balance of creating digital art prints as well as traditional wall art? Most certainly. To keep the proper flow of art consistent I have to create both every day. Sometimes when I'm in the mess of painting traditional art I feel frustrated that I can't tap two times on the screen/canvas to undo-instead you get used to over painting and blending-which I do not do digitally-I don't like the blend tool-yet. And then sometimes I want to tap for the perfect color match without spending several minutes mixing the proper color. So I get up and move around to take a play with the dog or cat break and or change the water and clean my brushes type of stretch. And then I remind myself of this almost imperfect balance of cozy comfy on the sofa creating digital animal art and adrenaline focussed and messy in an art room creating traditional art. My brain is pretty satisfied if I can keep that flow moving in the right direction. I see the progress of my look and I see the consistent vibe that's developing every day. This is what keeps me pushing forward towards my goal of creating art using BOTH mediums. Wild and pink and abstract. Joy


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