Monday, June 21, 2021

Strategies to get through artists block

 Artists block is simply a feeling like your purpose in life is done. You wake up from an awfully no good sleep, walk the dog, spend nine hours at work, eat and go to bed. Staying stuck and trapped in that routine is pretty dull. Not the worst, but dull. So I’m creating a series. Of 35mm photography. Of Doug the dog. Of YouTube channel for my art. Another YouTube channel for Leias home movies. Painting digital pets art. And painting traditional pet art. All while wrangling a silly semi obedient high energy doggy. And leading a team of 17 backstage warehouse folks at my nine to five job. Did I mention I have to write this blog? It’s no bother because I’ve chosen to post monthly. YouTube is weekly. And creating something from nothing is daily. This dog photography series of doug should be good. For me. And whoever else cares. Artists block for me is that I can’t seem to get anything completed. My focus can be all over the place. I seem to hop from one idea to the next almost completing it fully. I want to multitask but I think that can be bad. Mentally. So I’m somewhat reaching my destination. Slowly but surely. I suppose if I had no ideas that would be simply awful. Leias birthday is coming up and I have a super duper present for her! -do you see how my mind shifts? I can’t wait for her to see it. Artist block? I’ve plenty of external motivators and some internal ones. I should take the time to identify those one day. Goals. 

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